Are you ever worried
about how you should write your papers? Thank God I attended a
tutorial that gave good ideas to share with you. I luckily attended a
lecture that oriented me on how I should write my paper. One thing
that I learnt is that for me to write my paper well, I really to
search on the topic I am exploring in the paper. Research will give
me the content that I will use when I write my paper.
However, not
all the material I gather from the research will aid me when I write
my paper. For this reason, when I write my paper, the lecture advised
me to be very selective with information. When I write my paper, the
lecture taught me that I should only select that information that is
relevant to the paper. When I write my paper, I should look very
carefully at time. How about when I write my term paper?
“Read the
notes the lecturer gave you before you do it”. This is what the
author tells to ensure first when I write my term paper. The author
tells that before I write my term paper, I must know that it is based
on what I have learnt across the term or semester. Reading my notes
is therefore very important as I write my term paper.
The author
advises me to write my term paper with the knowledge of word count in
mind, not forgetting structure to be taken by the paper. As I write
my term paper, I should package the contents of different parts as
directed by the lecturer. The author further perceives that I should
use good grammar because there are marks allocated for me if I write
my term paper in good language. Finally, I should edit and proof read
my paper after I write my term paper.